Saturday, October 3, 2009

American Pharmacists Month

There's a certain brainlessness widespread among pharmacy students---indicative of what they think they'll have to be like as an actual practicing pharmacist. This is at the crux of why things won't change at all in this profession.

Enter American Pharmacists Month:

There is an incredibly annoying facebook campaign going on right now spearheaded by UOP in which a new daily fact is copy and pasted from a list about pharmacists into facebook stati. Lots of my FB friends, many of whom I thought were smarter than this, all have the same picture posted (which says Know Your Medicine. Know Your Pharmacist.) and in tandem are posting the same thing as everyone else. Here's the thing: I've never subscribed to the "strength in numbers" tenet, but what is it about this portion of the population that makes them want to be just like each other? Do you guys really feel as empty as you act?

Don't get me wrong. I am proud of what line of work I'll be going into. I'm proud of the high earnings, pay...Ok, maybe I'm a sellout. Because all I see is negativity. Horrible working conditions. Unnecessary stress. No rights to defend yourself from rude, ghetto customers. And an expectation that you won't ask for what you want, you will take what they give.

My friends, this is why pharmacy is the way it is: people who aspire to be pharmacists value money over thinking. Am I really to believe that these facebook status posters will still want to provide 'optimal patient care and oversee the patient's maximal therapeutic outcomes" after they actually learn what the reality is? Do they know the realities yet or are they really as naive as they act?

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